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Emotions are the energy that moves us. They can either catapult us into a new, exciting direction that inspires us, or they can send us spiraling down into a repetitive pattern of the same old thing, being expressed in different ways, until we wake up!



In the election of 2016, I heard and read the views of people on both sides, the pro-Trumpers versus the pro-Hillaries. I listened to and observed the extreme fear and anger of those on each side of this coin, before and after that election.  I also listened to the millennials who were unhappy with either candidate, and have heard people rage against those who didn’t vote, blaming them for costing Hillary the election. The negative outbursts toward one another only worsened when Trump became president. To set the record straight, I am by no means a fan of Trump, but I can literally feel the effects of this political rage ripping through this country and affecting all of us on a very deep level to this day and into another presidency. The truth is, every person hanging on to and spouting out these negative “e-motions” of rage, anger, blame, fear and apathy, are propagating the breakdown of not only themselves, but also of humanity. We are each like a cell in the human body and these negative emotions are like cancer that can and will create our annihilation.


How, you say? Consider the following argument.


The fact is, we are energy, whether it be negative or positive.  According to modern physics, we are 99.99% empty space. We are atoms vibrating at a particular speed. The slower the speed, the more dense or heavy we feel, the faster the speed, the more expanded or lighter we feel. This empty space is energy, and our emotions play a key role in how light or dense we feel. When we are truly happy, we feel expanded throughout our whole body. We feel free and invincible. We hold our head high, our shoulders move back exposing our heart, we smile, and even walk with a lighter step. When we are angry, frustrated, fearful, bitter, sad or apathetic, we begin to feel heavy. Shoulders shrug forward, head lowers, and our back slumps. Even our face falls downward, giving us a frown. Since we are energy beings, these emotions permeate our energy field, which will not only affect you physically, but also begin to affect everyone with whom you come in contact. In other words, EMOTIONS ARE ENERGY. All memories elicit emotion, and certain traumatic memories can sit in your body for years without your recognition. When someone comes along that does or says something that triggers us into an emotional response, we feel it in a specific place or places in the body.


Recently a very good friend of mine started dating after about two years of being divorced. Her son stopped talking to her because of this. She was heartbroken. I suggested that this might be a very old trigger since her kids are not going to like her dating someone, other than their dad, for a long time. It’s a normal response. However, the amount of sadness and anger caused by this event, was not normal. When she attended my yoga class, I suggested she make the intention to understand this trigger. During Savasana (a mini meditation at the end of a yoga class), the trigger had cleared. She shared her meditative vision with me afterwards.  She stated that a silver haired woman took her behind her heart to one of her shoulder blades, and told her to bring light to this place. My friend described the place as being dark and scary. She resisted going there, and wanted to leave. At the urging of this woman, she reluctantly moved her attention to her shoulder blade. Immediately she felt the heavy and dark energy of the emotion residing there, and let it pass. Understanding this stored memory, she could let go of her heartbreak, and move into a feeling of gratitude. When we both were members at the Dahn Center (a yoga/tai chi studio), she always had a hard time with certain “holding” postures. I remember her complaining about having pain in that exact spot.  This was over 10 years ago; the memory was trying to get her attention back then. By the way, her son started talking to her a day later, as if it never happened.


We often store away these old battle wounds, thinking they define us. One day they arise to greet us, through pain or discomfort in the body, or as an emotional trigger, trying to get our attention.  We either explain it away as someone else’s fault, as an injury, or we simply ignore it all together.  There's no MOTION, as in moving forward, with emotions stuck in the body. In order to grow and move beyond these repeated patterns in your life, it's vitally important to address the cause of your emotional or physical pain. Through Life and Energy coaching with Roni we can uncover, discover and eliminate any blockage.


Call for an appointment  303-884-1705


Written by Roni

All rights reserved Motional Being 2021


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