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Take Back Your Power!

Taking back your power means that you must navigate the emotions that keep you stuck. Fear, anger, resentment, bitterness, hate, frustration, pride, guilt, and shame are some examples of these emotions. Be aware of the emotions that come up, acknowledge them, and then observe them.


Here are some questions you can ask yourself: Do you react when they arise? How do they make you feel? Does an old memory or do old memories come up when you get triggered by these emotion(s)? Identify the memory or memories.  When did they happen? This creates self-awareness.


Now locate the feeling in the body where the emotion(s) sit. Then just feel. Nothing more. When the feeling dissipates, create an image representing the opposite emotion and place it in the exact same place. For example: If someone angers you, you notice the anger makes your gut feel tight, you place the attention in your gut until the gut softens.  Now think of an image that represents love - perhaps a baby, a puppy, or another memory in which you experienced love. Place the new thought in the gut and feel the love. You may need to repeat the whole process several times to transform the experience.


These opposite emotions, such as love, joy, gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion propel you on to a path of ease and success. Emotions are the magnet!


We are practiced in the art of negative thinking, and fear is at the top of our list. Our subconscious mind is formed from our time in the womb until six or seven years of age. It is the source of our automation or reactive mind. In society today, we are consistently vigilant to stay safe and alive. However, fear is a powerless state. The question is, do you want to be in a state of always fearing for your life with an almost certain destructive end? Or would you like to create your life in a way that is fulfilling? If we truly are participants in this universe, as quantum physicists have discovered, then we can change the outcome of our world. We have the choice to take our power back and create a more positive outcome.


I leave you with this anecdote


A teacher asked her young students, “How many of you are angry and holding grudges? Every student raised their hand. She asked them to write the names of these people down on a piece of paper. Her students did so.  Then, she instructed them to pick up the potatoes from her desk that represented each person they wrote down and told them to put the potatoes into their backpack to carry around for one week. Her students obeyed. Each day they came in moaning and groaning about carrying around such a heavy backpack. At the end of the week, she had a trash can at the front of the class, and told them, they could now throw away their potatoes. Her students were relieved by this. Afterwards, she asked them how they did. They each complained about the backpack being heavy and stinky, and said their shoulders and back were sore. Even, their legs were sore. Then, she asked them, “Now that the potatoes are gone, how do you feel?”  They told her they felt much lighter now, and they were so grateful to get rid of the potatoes.  She asked them to consider the people that the potatoes represented.   “Do you think those people felt the same way you did – burdened, angry, resentful, etc  – when you were carrying potatoes on your back?” None of them could answer that question. Truthfully, they had no idea how the others felt. They told their teacher that they were just trying to make it to the end of the week. To this she said, “Now you know what anger, resentment, hate, and all other emotions that make you feel heavy, like the potatoes in your backpack, can do to you, and do nothing to anyone else.” 


You are only responsible for you – your emotions are entirely under your control.  You choose. Your day, your week, your month, your moment…is your choice.


If you want to explore more of this concept, call Roni for a consultation:  303-884-1705.


Written by Roni

All rights reserved Motional Being

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