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Image by Taylor Smith

Recognizing Victim Consciousness

Written by Roni

What is Victim Consciousness? It’s the belief that life happens to you, and you have NO control over circumstances occurring. Unfortunately, we were all born with this belief handed down to us by our parents, religion, society, education etc. It is a pervasive and difficult belief to discern. It’s not just about feeling sorry for yourself, it is the way you view life.


How do you view your life?


Do you feel powerless to change yourself and your circumstances?


Do you become resigned to the way life is because of some unspoken passed down rule or because of circumstances that happened to you in the past?


Are you angry toward people having more than you, and feeling like it’s unfair?

Are you in awe or jealous of people having more than you?


Do you get angry when someone doesn’t conform to your expectations?


Do you live a life of fear?

  • Fear of scarcity?

  • Fear of death?

  • Fear for yourself and others?

  • Fear of unseen forces that may or may not happen?


Do you have these beliefs:

  • I am not worthy (I am not worthy to get my dream job)

  • I am not good enough (I am not good enough to have a loving relationship)

  • I don’t deserve (I don’t deserve this gift)

  • I am unlovable (No one loves me)


Are you always looking for approval? When you don’t get approval, do you feel dejected or angry?


Do you distrust situations, people, or yourself?  (Examples: A fire might consume my house or the building I live in; I don’t trust this person to do a good job, so I better do it myself; I don’t trust myself to make the right decision.)


Is your love conditional? (Are you needing others to be who you want them to be to feel safe loving them, instead of loving them for who they are.)


Do you blame others? (It’s always someone else’s fault when things go wrong)


Do you repeat these words?

  • I have to

  • I should

  • I should have

  • I could have

  • I would have

  • I can’t


Are you always living for the future? Hoping that the future might bring you something better? Is the grass always greener on the other side?


Are living today by what happened in your past? Example: My purse got stolen at a concert, so concerts aren’t safe.  I’ll watch it on TV.


Do you focus on regret, betrayal, shame, guilt, or abandonment?


Do you still live by a set of rules you learned when you were young? Example:  1. One must never drink alcohol before 12:00 noon.  2. Women shouldn’t pass gas.  3. You don’t deserve a Mercedes until you’ve put in years of hard work.  4. Money only comes with hard work.  5. Men shouldn’t cry.


Are you always living in the negative “What if’s”?


Do you have spinning, or spiraling thoughts? Do these thoughts control or consume you?


Do you let others determine your life for you? (Counselors, therapists, doctors, teachers, leaders, the news etc..)


Do any of the above questions ring true for you?  Here’s the good news. You are never stuck in these patterns of belief. These are all taught to you from the time you were born. All patterns of belief can be changed. You need to be aware of them and you need to want to make a change. You can create a new healthier neural pathway, that is stronger than the old one, that can put you in the driver’s seat.


Take back your power through Theta Healing!


Here’s a quote from the book of the month ‘What Happened to You’


“The good news is that the brain is malleable all through life. We CAN change, but we don’t randomly change. We can INTENTIONALLY change if we know what needs to be addressed. The key is to reorganize the patterns.”

Dr. Bruce Perry


Call Roni for an appointment today. 303-884-1705

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