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Mindfulness and inner peace. Outdoor yoga retreat. Woman in yoga pose on rock above sea. W

Out of Fear and into Love

I was recently listening to a conference given by Louie Schwartzberg, a famous time-lapse photographer.  He was asking his audience if they had ever considered the meaning behind the often-used phrase, “Oh My God”.  What he said was absolutely brilliant and significant.

The OH gets our attention, and makes us present and mindful. The MY connects us to something deep inside our soul making a gateway for our inner voice to rise up and be heard.  The GOD is about the personal journey we want to be on in order to feel like we are connected to a Universe that celebrates life."

This simple and profound understanding lies deep within us and is currently surfacing, allowing the creator within us to emerge.


In the past ten years, I have often expressed this phrase when self-realization occurs. It usually happens when fear is so strong that I am forced to surrender to this feeling, and just observe where it is in my body. Did you know the chemical reaction of an emotion lasts only ninety seconds?  So why do we always want to avoid these feelings that accompany fear? It doesn’t kill us to pay attention to these body sensations, but if we continue to ignore them, they will, in fact, create the negative outcome we were trying to avoid. Why not face our fear in the moment it occurs?


Fear has become a habit. Over the last five thousand years, we have functioned from the need to survive, making fear our primary emotion. We are always on the alert.

However, it’s our perception of a situation that has created the fear in the first place. We have the choice to fully engage in it or step back to observe it. Regrettably, fear has a powerful grip on us.


Fear is a product of the subconscious mind, and it cannot exist when we are fully connected to our soul and to living in the present moment. However, our subconscious mind is unrelenting. The subconscious mind is a computer holding all the programs we downloaded from childhood. It is our automated mind. It causes us to react to situations that trigger us.  In the book BIOLOGY OF BELIEF, Dr. Bruce Lipton explains, as children we exist in states of theta and delta brain waves making us open to all the perceptual beliefs of our parents, our culture and those around us.  Our subconscious mind holds something like 4 million bits of information per second.  It was designed to help us live in the environment in which we were born, but because our world is saturated with control and scarcity, we downloaded beliefs that have kept us in fear.  Whether we recognize it or not, fear is overwhelmingly influential.  When our lives feel threatened, we fear for our survival and function from the “Fight or Flight” mode.

Image by Jakob Owens

Fear is the overlying emotion of anger, guilt, shame, frustration, bitterness, anxiety, jealousy, pride, and hate. These emotions are negative, and when we feel them rise up, we feel a contraction or tightness somewhere in the body.  Look at the world around us.  There are very few times in our history that we were at peace.  We are addicted to our fear. We would rather live in the drama of it than make our lives peaceful and successful. When our lives do become peaceful, we sabotage it by creating drama, only to cement our belief in an unsafe world.  What we believe becomes true.

We are a society completely unconscious, subject to all our limiting beliefs.  In the book THE POWER OF NOW, Eckhart Tolle observed that we are no different than a schizophrenic.  We would rather listen to the loud, negative voices than the soft loving voice of spirit.  We give our power away and allow others to run our lives. We are always on red alert.

In a study done by the Institute for Heartmath, scientists found an electromagnetic energy field around the heart called the torus field extending 12 to 15 feet out from the body.  The heart acts as its axis.  This torus field is an exact copy of the torus field around the earth.  The brain’s electro-magnetic field is much smaller in comparison.  These scientists found cells formed in the heart that replicate cells formed in the brain.  Their conclusion is that the heart has its own brain and because of its large torus field, it must have more influence over the brain than previously thought.  The heart is the first organ to form in utero.  As it begins to develop, it regulates the chemistry throughout the developing body.  


Our heart sends electrical signals to our brain, dependent on how we are feeling.  If the feeling is positive, the brain releases certain chemicals into the body that allow us to relax and feel a sense of expansion.  Through its electro-magnetic field, these good feelings are transmitted out into the world around us. If the feeling is negative, the brain releases chemicals that send us into contraction or tenseness, and sends that energy out into the world.  “Feeling” is the key word.  We continuously sense the energy of people around us.  We know intuitively when someone is loving, happy, angry, sad, or anxious.  We even have phrases such as, “She has an air of confidence”, “He has an effect on people”, “She’s draining my energy” or “I feel good around him”.

In the last 5000 years we have allowed our brain to dominate, giving our heart a less important role.  If we listened to our body energy, we could immediately adjust our feelings by altering our perception of the situation.  No one likes to be in a negative state.  Instead of already assuming an outcome based on our limiting beliefs, we can think outside the box and be able to create an entirely new outcome.  For example, I viewed my ex-boss as a dictator, not realizing that he mirrored my beliefs of scarcity and not being good enough.  He was living in as much fear as I was.  When there wasn’t enough money coming in to the business, his fear was heightened.  He responded by threatening the jobs of his staff in an attempt to feel better.  In truth, he was showing me my own out of control fear in a more dramatic way so that it would get my attention.  My beliefs created my reality.  I created and attracted a boss who didn’t value me because I didn’t value myself.  By learning to love and value me, an entirely new outcome could and would occur.  My entire reality would be recreated to adjust to this new belief.


Because the heart is central to our lives, self-love is essential.  We are trained from the minute we enter this world that if we do something that is perceived as wrong or bad, we get punished.  We are forever searching for praise and fearing punishment.  In order to move out of fear, we must recognize and acknowledge all the praise we do receive. As a culture, we tend to focus our attention on that one negative comment instead of the multitude of positive ones.  By placing energy on to the negative we attract more negative.  By redirecting our focus onto the positive events in our lives, we begin to move toward the direction of self-love.  Being afraid of losing my job clearly kept me from fully expressing who I really was.  I felt I never had a voice, especially if my opinions differed from my boss’s. My throat constantly felt constricted and when I summoned enough courage to speak up, I was strongly admonished sending me back into that constrictive state.  The enemy here was never my boss; it was a fear of not being safe or worthy.  This belief had been formed back in my childhood and kept playing out over and over again throughout my life.  By unconsciously living in this limiting belief, I was not able to shift into self-love.

We are subject to the law of polarity.  This law states that everything in it has an opposite energy.  For example, “good” has “bad”, “right” has “wrong”, “more” has “less”, etc.  So, when we are experiencing fear, love must exist on the other side of it.

Image by Fleur Stolk

True love is unconditional.  It has a vibrational frequency that resonates with our heart and its electro-magnetic field.  When we are in this state of unconditional love and a crisis shows up, we are able to calmly flow and maneuver through it at every moment.  According to Heartmath, this frequency brings the heart and brain into coherence.  In other words, our heart and brain work as one, not two, separate entities as we have done for thousands of years.  In this state we think and act with clarity and integrity.  In this state we meet our authentic self.

One day at Dahn Yoga, while doing a meditation called Jigam, meaning “no mind,” I had a life altering experience. My daughter’s soul appeared to me.  The feeling was so overwhelmingly beautiful that tears of pure joy streamed down my face.  I remember feeling honored to have her in my life.  To this day I see her as a beautiful being of pure light.  I now understand that I had experienced the coherence of my heart and brain.  Today I am able to recall this experience of her and not attend to her subconscious beliefs playing out as survival tactics, such as blame.

The truth is, we are all beautiful souls of pure light.  No one is better than another. We each are a unique aspect of the divine whole.  At this time in our history we are asked to shed the armor of self-protection that stems from the perceived fear of our inability to survive.  This armor no longer serves us.  It is this armor that prevents us from being aware of how we view one another, as I had viewed my boss.  The armor keeps us separate and in fear of what others might do to us. Shedding this armor would allow us to know our own divinity and create coherence between our heart and brain.  By having the awareness of the way we interact with others and how it affects our body, we can make choices to create a world that supports us.  Unconditional love rises because we see the world for what it really is.  We begin to accept that everything happening around us is our creation.  When we move away from old fears and into love, a whole new world appears.  It is then we can honestly declare these three words, “Oh My God”.  

Yoga in Nature

Written by Roni

February 2022

Want to move out of fear? Call for an Energy appointment today 303-884-1705


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