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Women's Race

Other Specialties



Pain and injury lead to your body changing the way it moves to accommodate the injury.  This compensation causes stressors to other parts of the body, and further movement dysfunction.  Even after the initial pain has resolved, the compensations often remain in place as a matter of habit.  These new habits must be addressed to avoid future injury, and to optimize function and physical movement

through life



Manual therapy includes joint mobilization, muscle energy technique, soft tissue work, and myofascial release.

Orthotic Therapy

This is a specialty of Shawna’s for 20 years.  Orthotic intervention is sometimes necessary to correct structural or functional issues of the feet, knees or hips and low back.  Shawna has extensive experience in analysis of gait biomechanics, and appropriate interventions for all levels of activity, from just needing to walk without pain, to running marathons.  


Blood Flow


BFR is a relatively new technique used for boosting strength, especially in

newer injuries or post surgically. 

It involves restricting blood flow to muscles with body weight only exercises or very light weights.  Restricting blood flow

causes an oxygen deficiency in the working muscle, creating physiological responses that actually help to generate strength at a greater rate. Think of why endurance athletes train at altitude – there is less oxygen in the air and their bodies have to learn

to work just as hard

with less oxygen, becoming more efficient.  BFR is a similar concept.  Research

is strongly supporting the safe use of BFR to

accelerate strengthening.

Cupping involves using negative pressure, or suction, to create space in the interstitial space, located just below the skin. This is called the interstitium and is the largest “organ” in the body.  The interstituim contains fluid, connective tissue, and deep layers of skin. Among other functions, it serves as a transportation system for nutrients and elements of the immune system.  Cupping is used to decrease pain and increase soft tissue mobility.

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