Energy Healing and Life and Energy Coaching Prices:
Single Session: $100
Package of 4 sessions: $325
Physical Therapy Prices
Single Session: $100
12 visits package: $1000.00
(must be used within 6 months)
Virtual Yoga Prices
Drop in: $10
10 class punch: $80
Monthly Unlimited: $69
(with a 6 month agreement)
In-Person Yoga Prices
Drop in: $14
10 class punch: $120
Monthly Unlimited Total Yoga
Includes both In-Person and online
Price: $112 per month (with a 6 month agreement)
In-Person Location
5055 S Kipling Parkway Suite C-2 80127
Located in the Safeway strip mall in the Koko Fit Club. The yoga studio has its own entrance. Parking is on the side of the studio. Access this parking lot by going around the back.
Total Being
Three month package of all services:
$800 per month or one payment of $2400
12 visits Physical Therapy
12 Visits Energy Healing/Life & Energy Coaching
Unlimited Yoga
This is an intensive 3-month program to address acute distress, whether it be physical or emotional or both. This is designed to uncover and eradicate the core issues negatively impacting your being, so you can move into freedom and happiness.