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The Body Code, The Emotion Code &
The Belief Code
All three Modalities act as a powerful energetic healing system that deletes old and new negative emotions and beliefs that have been playing havoc with our body and our lives. All emotions and beliefs are energy. As humans, we do not process negative emotions and beliefs but ignore them, burying them deep in the body. They can cause all sorts of issues from pain to disease.
To drive this point home, I was giving one of my clients an energy clearing and found a dense bubble in his field by his intestines. He told me that was the side the surgeon took out a mass of colon cancer 20 years ago. The emotions were still there despite the extraction of the tumor.
As a healer, I have always believed emotions and beliefs can heal or create breakdown in the body in many ways, but they can also be our roadmap to heal. After all, our bodies let us know when we are way off track!
These modalities can be given in person or on zoom.
Call or email me today to set up your appointment
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