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Energy Healing

"Matter is is light...We are all Light Beings."

Albert Einstein


Energy Healing has been in existence for over 5,000 years. The actual date has not been verified, but historians know that the ancient Egyptians used vibrational healing, and herbs as a way to heal sicknesses and disease. Similarly, the ancient Chinese practiced Qigong (Chi gong). Qigong was used not only with movement, but could heal others by directing energy through the body,. The ancient Indians practiced Yoga, using asana (postures), breath work and meditation to direct energy through the chakras to obtain ultimate health of the body, as well as to achieve enlightenment. . There were many more energy healing practices through out the world before modern medicine even existed. They are still around today, because they work!


Today, quantum physicists have discovered that we are all made of atoms. Atoms vibrate at a particular speed, creating the illusion of a physical body. At the very deepest level, the atom becomes a light wave or pure energy. Energy healers work on this level.


Energy healing restores balance of a compromised system holding trauma, negative thoughts, or even illness. Distress, always, starts in the field and filters down into the physical body which will eventually create mental, emotional and physical issues which can result in disease. 


The practice of energy healing is a partnership between the practitioner and the client. It is non-evasive and gentle. Your field is intelligent and organizing. You hold the power to reorganize by creating a life that feels powerful. Energy Healing can and will clear the way. 


The practitioner's purpose is to align your energy field and clear it of any energetic debris that blocks your ability to grow, heal and expand your consciousness using different healing modalities that work best for you.


Along with energy healing, I use life and energy coaching. With your permission, while in your energy field, I can intuit what's blocking you, then I am able to guide you along your path.


Click here for Healing Modalities


Click here for Life and Energy Coaching


Call to schedule: 303-884-1705


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